Payment for any business.
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Guaranteed safety
No need to worry playfast user data security is very safe
All in one app
You can use all types of bank with our app
Keeping secrecy
Don't worry, we use ai technology to keep user data private
we provide
Easy interface

A fully integrated suite of payments products

Designed for developers
Global scale
The backbone for internet business

A technology-first approach to payments and finance
Close to the metal
From direct integrations with card networks and banks to checkout flows in the browser, we operate on and optimise at every level of the financial stack.
Fastest-improving platform
We release hundreds of features and improvements each year to help you stay ahead of industry shifts. (On average, we deploy our production API 16x per day.)
Battle-tested reliability
Our systems operate with 99.99%+ uptime and are highly scalable and redundant. Bank is certified to the highest compliance standards.
Intelligent optimisations
Our machine learning models train on billions of data points and help increase revenue across conversion, fraud, revenue recovery, and more.